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Location: Juneau
Type: Disturbance Investigation

Dispatch Text:

On Saturday, September 4, 2021, at approximately 1650 hours, the Alaska State Troopers in Juneau were notified by the Juneau Police Department that an Alaska Airlines flight was diverting to Juneau after a physical altercation on the flight involving five individuals. Juneau Police Officers and Alaska State Troopers met the flight at the Juneau International Airport and detained five individuals that were causing the disturbance. After conducting an investigation into the incident, it was determined that there was no physical altercation and that the five individuals were not following flight attendant instructions related to mask use and were using foul language during the flight. After consultation with the Alaska District Attorney’s Office, no charges were forwarded for this incident. Federal law enforcement officials were notified of the incident.

Posted on 9/8/2021 5:19:36 PM by DPS\ajmcdaniel

Posting Section: A Detachment