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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Saint Michael
Type: Assault 3 DV

Dispatch Text:

On July 24, 2024 at 1857 hours, AST received a report of an ongoing assault at a residence in Saint Michael. Several complainants contacted AST after seeing a Facebook Live video online of a violent assault in progress.  AST was in Saint Michael for a village visit at the time.  AST responded to the residence and arrested Curtis R. Tom (32 yoa of Saint Michael) for four counts of Assault in the 3rd degree for strangling a woman and placing her in fear of death by means of a dangerous instrument.  Tom was transported to AMCC in Nome. 

Posted on 7/25/2024 8:46:52 AM by DPS\bjwassmann

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