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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Stebbins
Type: Assault 4, VCOR

Dispatch Text:

On August 16, 2024, AST received a report of a DV assault that occurred in Stebbins.  On August 20, 2024, AST responded to Stebbins. Investigation revealed Patrick Agibinik (22 yoa Stebbins) assaulted a woman by throwing her to the ground and pinning her down with his knee causing minor injuries.  Agibinik was on conditions of release in two open DV criminal cases involving the same victim. AST arrested Agibinik for Assault in the 4th Degree and VCOR. AST transported Agibinik to AMCC in Nome. 

Posted on 8/21/2024 9:39:17 AM by DPS\bjwassmann

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