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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Stebbins
Type: Assault 3, DUI, Endangering Welfare of a Child, Reckless Endangerment, VCOR

Dispatch Text:

On September 17, 2024 at 1400 hours AST responded to Stebbins and arrested Lawrence G. Lockwood (47 yoa Stebbins) for Assault 3, Endangering the Welfare of a child, DUI, Reckless Endangerment and Violating Conditions of Release.  The arrest stems from multiple complaints to AST on September 15, 2024, that Lockwood was driving around Stebbins on his ATV while intoxicated with a 1-year-old child on his lap. Residents followed Lockwood throughout Stebbins in an effort to get him to stop and allow the mother to get her child. Lockwood had been babysitting the child before the DUI.  Lockwood eventually stopped after residents blocked his path with their ATV. A woman was trying to take the child from Lockwood when Lockwood accelerated, striking the woman's leg with the ATV.  The woman was not seriously injured. A bystander eventually took the key from Lockwood's ignition, preventing him from driving and family members were able to retrieve the baby.  The baby was not harmed during the incident.  Lockwood was on conditions of release in an open criminal case, which prohibited him from consuming alcohol. Lockwood was arrested and taken to AMCC in Nome. 

Posted on 9/17/2024 3:27:25 PM by DPS\bjwassmann

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