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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Sitka
Type: Lingcod Bycatch Closed Period

Dispatch Text:

On 12/16/24, Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Sitka Post, cited Kenneth Middleton, age 58 of Oregon, for taking lingcod bycatch in the commercial longline fishery during a closed period.  Investigation revealed Middleton had landed approximately 1750lbs of lingcod in Washington after having taken the fish in the waters of Icy Bay Subsection, near Yakutat, in late October 2024.  The area had been closed to lingcod harvest by emergency order.  The violation was identified and reported by the fish processor.  An arraignment is set in the district court at Yakutat.

Posted on 12/23/2024 2:26:58 PM by DPS\tbhall

Posting Section: AK Wildlife Troopers