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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
Dispatch Text:
On 12/16/2024, at approximately 2200 hours, AST learned that Ethan Dvorak, 32 of Wasilla, had violated conditions of release involving a DV crime. Investigation disclosed that Dvorak had contacted the victim on several occasions while on conditions prohibiting contact. Dvorak was arrested without incident and transported to Matsu Pretrial where he was held without bail.
On 12/10/2024 at approximately 0008 hours, AST received a report that a disturbance was taking place at a residence off of W Cormorant Way. The investigation revealed that Ehtan Dvorak had broken a domestic partner's cell phone and by words or other conduct recklessly placed his domestic partner's person in fear of imminent physical injury. Dvorak was arrested without incident for DV Assault 4 and Criminal Mischief, transported to Matsu Pre-trial, and held with no bail.
Posted on 12/10/2024 5:18:30 AM by DPS\tjwilson