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Dispatch Text:
On January 2, 2025, Alaska State Troopers received a report that a group of people were rock hunting in the abandoned Salt Chuck Mine on Prince of Wales Island when one of the group experienced a medical emergency. The other people in the group attempted CPR to no avail. The deceased was identified as Devin Albert, age 50, of Washington State. AST responded to the scene but due to the weather, darkness and hazardous conditions in the mine, no effort to retrieve the remains were attempted. On January 5, members from Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad, Troopers and VPSO’s recovered Devin’s body through an alternate mine shaft leading into the Salt Chuck Mine. No foul play is suspected, and the NOK has been advised. Weather, and the unstable, steep and partially collapsed mine shafts had hampered the recovery efforts until the alternate route was discovered.
Posted on 1/6/2025 11:48:51 AM by DPS\jsdougherty