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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Nenana
Type: MOCA, Minor Consuming

Dispatch Text:

On 01/16/2025 at approximately 1544 AST responded to a REDDI report of a group of juveniles drinking vodka inside a vehicle. Nenana Trooper contacted 3 juveniles from Fairbanks, one obviously intoxicated. Investigation showed the juveniles had been drinking vodka from a bottle which was found in the vehicle. The vehicle operator was arrested and charged with Minor Operating a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol, and cited for driving in violation of provisional license and having an open container. Another juvenile was given a summons for Minor consuming alcohol. All three juveniles were released to a responsible guardian.

Posted on 1/16/2025 8:25:36 PM by DPS\nchollenbeck

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