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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
Dispatch Text:
On 1/19/25 at 1612 hours, Troopers came upon a vehicle in the ditch near mile 151 of the Sterling Highway. An investigation showed Bruce Nibert, 57 of Anchor Point, had been operating the vehicle and also possessed a pistol while under the influence of alcohol. Nibert was arrested and a breath test determined his BrAC was .140% at 1802 hours. Further investigation found Nibert was on conditions of release in a prior DUI case, and he violated those conditions. Nibert's driver's license was in revoked status at the time of the incident. Nibert was arrested and remanded into the Homer Jail where bail was set at $250 and hold until sober.
Posted on 1/19/2025 8:20:33 PM by DPS\djcox