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Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


Location: Willow
Type: MIW III, Assault on LEO, Resisting Arrest, VCOR, Disorderly Conduct, & DWLR

Dispatch Text:

On 01/22/2025 at approximately 1100 hours, Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop near mile 78 Parks Hwy in Willow. Investigation led to the arrest of Michael Latham, age 54 of Talkeetna, for MIW III, DWLR, & VCOR. While the Trooper was impounding the vehicle, the passenger, Sierra Billger, age 33 of Talkeetna, began to assault the Trooper. Billger was arrested for Assault on LEO, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct and VCOR. Both Latham and Billger were remanded to the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility. 

Posted on 1/22/2025 5:46:36 PM by DPS\rranderson

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