Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Friday, January 10, 2025
Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
A Detachment ...No news reported.
B Detachment
Location: WasillaType: Theft II and Criminal Trespass IDispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 the Alaska State Troopers received the report of a theft from a business in Wasilla. Investigation revealed that DANIEL WARD, age 41 of Wasilla, had stolen property in the amount of $4500. On 01/10/2025, Daniel was located, arrested, and Transported to Mat-Su Pre-Trial where he was held without bail. AST would like to thank the Wasilla Police Department for their assistance.
Posted on 1/10/2025 3:50:01 PM by DPS\kdoakes
Location: WasillaType: Death InvestigationDispatch Text:
On 01/10/2025 at approximately 1635 hours, AST received a report of death near Big Dipper Dr. in Wasilla. At approximately 1657 hours, Eugene Glanz, age 71, of Wasilla, was pronounced deceased from natural causes in his home, no foul play suspected. Next of kin was on scene and notified. The State Medical Examiner has released the remains to the Family.
Posted on 1/10/2025 6:41:23 PM by DPS\tabosdell
Location: WasillaType: Assault 4 DVDispatch Text:
On 01/10/25 at approximately 0215 hours AST received a report of a disturbance in Wasilla. Through investigation it was determined that Frances Napageak, age 23 of Wasilla, caused physical injury to a household member. Frances was placed under arrest for Assault 4 DV and transported to Mat-Su Pretrial where Frances was remanded and held without bail.
Posted on 1/10/2025 6:14:45 AM by DPS\wjbrennan
Location: HoustonType: Criminal Mischief + Interference with a Report of DVDispatch Text:
On 01/10/2025 at approximately 20:38 hours, AST received a report of a disturbance in Houston. Through investigation, it was determined that Marita Hill, age 21 of Houston, damaged property and interfered with a report of a crime involving domestic violence. Marita was placed under arrest for Criminal Mischief and Interference with a Report Involving Domestic Violence. Marita was transported to Mat-Su PreTrial where she was remanded and held without bail.
Posted on 1/10/2025 6:20:25 AM by DPS\wjbrennan
Location: WasillaType: Vehicle Pursuit/Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On 1/10/25 at approximately 0015 hours, the Alaska State Troopers attempted to stop a vehicle on Paradise Lane in Wasilla for equipment and moving violations. The vehicle initially stopped, but then fled at a high rate of speed. The driver collided with a trooper vehicle before ultimately getting stuck in a ditch. Both the driver and passenger fled the scene on foot and Wasilla Police Department responded to the area to assist troopers. The passenger, identified as 29-year-old Tristen Balthazore, was tracked for several miles before being located and arrested on an outstanding warrant for Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation. He was remanded and held on $1,500 bail. The driver was identified, and charges will be forwarded.
Posted on 1/10/2025 7:05:50 AM by DPS\mgsidders
Location: WasillaType: Assault 4 (DV)Dispatch Text:
On January 10th, 2025, at approximately 0452 hours, the Alaska State Troopers responded to a disturbance in Wasilla. Investigation revealed that Christoper Hausler, age 37, of Wasilla, recklessly caused physical injury to his significant other. Christopher was arrested and remanded at MSPT without bail pending arraignment.
Posted on 1/10/2025 7:18:41 AM by DPS\jjmichels
C Detachment
Location: UnalakleetType: Assault 3 DVDispatch Text:
On January 8, 2025, AST investigated an assault involving domestic violence that occurred at a house in Unalakleet during the evening of January 7, 2025. Investigation showed Frank L. Doty (40 yoa of Unalakleet) assaulted a woman at the house resulting in minor injuries to her. Doty was charged with Assault in the 3rd Degree because he has two or more convictions for assault in the preceding 10 years. AST arrested Doty on January 10, 2025 and transported him to AMCC.
Posted on 1/10/2025 1:22:34 PM by DPS\bjwassmann
Location: UnalakleetType: Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On January 10, 2025, AST arrested Arnold Eakon (34 yoa of Unalakleet) pursuant to an arrest warrant for a petition to revoke his probation (PTRP). The PTRP was filed after Eakon was charged with MIW for discharging a firearm in Unalakleet while he was impaired on or about November 25, 2024, which placed residents at risk. Eakon was arrested and transported to AMCC.
Posted on 1/10/2025 1:30:37 PM by DPS\bjwassmann
Location: UnalakleetType: Selling Alcohol Without Permit in Local Option AreaDispatch Text:
On January 10, 2025, AST and Unalakleet Police Department completed one of the investigations into illegal alcohol sales in Unalakleet. A comprehensive investigation indicated that husband & wife- Kim C. Richards (45 yoa of Unalakleet) and Kariann L. Grimes (36 yoa of Unalakleet) engaged in a coordinated scheme to sell alcohol in Unalakleet between April 1, 2024, and July 28, 2024. Kim Richards was charged with seven (7) counts of sale of alcohol/ possession of alcohol with intent to sell. Kariann Grimes was charged with (14) counts of sale of alcohol/ possession of alcohol with intent to sell. Unalakleet is a local option community which banned the sale of alcohol in 1992. AST and Unalakleet Police Department are committed to investigating illegal alcohol dealing. If you have any information about this case, or any other illegal dealing, tips can be submitted using your cell phone: text the keyword AKTIPS, followed by your crime tip to 847411.
Posted on 1/10/2025 1:48:03 PM by DPS\bjwassmann
D Detachment
Location: North PoleType: DV AssaultDispatch Text:
On January 10, 2025, at approximately 0515 hours, AST responded to a disturbance report in the area of Sirlin Drive in North Pole. Investigation revealed that Vandetta Berggren, age 46 of North Pole, assaulted her domestic partner. Vandetta was arrested and transported on the charge of Assault in the Fourth Degree.
Posted on 1/10/2025 9:30:17 AM by DPS\melopezmartinez
Location: HealyType: REDDI, DUI, & MIW 4thDispatch Text:
On 01/10/2025 at approximately 1656 hours AST received a REDDI report about a blue Honda Civic traveling northbound on the Parks Highway and it was going into Healy. The caller reported the Honda was in the southbound lane of travel and a truck traveling the opposite direction almost was run off the road to avoid a head on collision with the Honda. The Honda was located, and investigation determined the driver, Pearson Kennedy-Crosby, age 39 from Fairbanks was driving under the influence of alcohol and possessed a firearm. Kennedy-Crosby was arrested and subsequently remanded to FCC for DUI and MIW 4th where he was released on his own recognizance once sober. AST was not able to identify or contact the truck which had to take evasive action to avoid a head on collision. The driver of the truck is requested to contact AST at the Fairbanks Dispatch at 907-451-5100 regarding this incident.
Posted on 1/10/2025 10:22:57 PM by DPS\dwbozman