Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Thursday, January 9, 2025

Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

A Detachment

  • AK25002523

    Location: Anchor Point
    Type: DWLR, VCOR

    Dispatch Text:

    On 1/8/25 at 2045 hours, Troopers stopped a vehicle on the Sterling Highway at Whiskey Gulch Beach Access Road. An investigation showed the driver, Thomas Clegg, 45 of Ninilchik, was driving the vehicle with a revoked license. Clegg was also found to be on conditions of release in a prior criminal case. Clegg was given summons to appear and released.

    Posted on 1/9/2025 10:46:46 AM by DPS\djcox

  • AK24125132

    Location: Anchor Point
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On 1/8/25 at 1820 hours, Troopers stopped a vehicle on Valleyside Ave for an equipment violation.  The driver was identified as Randle Boquecosa, 24 of Anchor Point.  Boquecosa was found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest.  The warrant was for failing to appear for arraignment on an original charge of driving in violation of an instruction permit with bail set at $200.  Boquecosa was arrested and remanded into the Homer Jail.  

    Posted on 1/9/2025 10:51:06 AM by DPS\djcox

B Detachment

  • AK24110365

    Location: Palmer
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2025 at approximately 1100 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report that Tayvin Christiansen was at his residence and had a warrant for his arrest. An investigation showed that Christiansen had a warrant for failure to appear for Assault 4 and Criminal Mischief 4 and failure to appear for leaving the scene of an accident and driving with a suspended/revoked/canceled license.  Troopers arrived at the residence near Old Squaw Loop and arrested Christiansen.  He is remanded and held at Matsu-Pretrial in Palmer.

    Posted on 1/9/2025 12:35:04 PM by DPS\jlmedina

  • AK24061545

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2025 at 1500 hours, DUSTIN CHRISTIANSEN arrived at the Mat-Su West Trooper Post to pick up his brother's vehicle, who had just been arrested for a warrant. A records check revealed that Dustin had a warrant for his arrest, original charge of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance V. Dustin was arrested without incident and transported to Mat-Su Pre-Trial where he was held on a $100 bail. 

    Posted on 1/9/2025 4:28:40 PM by DPS\kdoakes

  • AK25002541

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2025 at 1400 hours, DILLON CHRISTIANSEN arrived at the Mat-Su West Trooper Post to speak to a Trooper. A records check revealed that Dillon had a warrant for his arrest, original charge of Assault III from Anchorage. Dillon was arrested without incident and transported to Mat-Su Pre-Trial where he was held without bail. 

    Posted on 1/9/2025 4:33:13 PM by DPS\kdoakes

  • AK25002494

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: DUI

    Dispatch Text:

    On 1/8/25 at approximately 1742 hours, MATCOM received a 911 call regarding a REDDI report. It was reported that there was a 2001 Silver Toyota Tacoma that was heading into Wasilla on Knik Goose Bay Rd. and the driver was driving in an unsafe manner and having difficulty maintaining their lane of travel. The suspect vehicle continued from Knik Goose Bay Rd. to Seward Meridian Parkway where it caused a head on collision with another vehicle that was occupied by a family of 4. The driver of the REDDI vehicle was identified as Shila Riva, age 25 of Wasilla. Riva and the other parties involved were transported to the Mat Su Regional Medical Center for further medical care and treatment for non-life threatening injuries. Impairment is believed to a be a factor and the investigation is ongoing.


    Posted on 1/9/2025 4:08:44 AM by DPS\tncaldarea

C Detachment ...No news reported.

D Detachment

  • AK24128743

    Location: Fairbanks
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On January 9, 2025, Alaska State Troopers contacted Gabe Stephens in the area of C Street. A routine check revealed he had a warrant for his arrest. Gabe was remanded to FCC on his warrant.

    Posted on 1/9/2025 12:26:25 PM by DPS\jldreher

  • AK25000411

    Location: Fairbanks
    Type: Warrant Arrest

    Dispatch Text:

    On January 9, 2024, at approximately 0348 hours, Fairbanks AST conducted a traffic stop near Airport Way and Wilbur Street. The driver of the vehicle was identified as Shane O'Brien who had 2 outstanding bench warrants. Shane was remanded to FCC.

    Posted on 1/9/2025 6:10:27 AM by DPS\jdchipps

  • AK25002808

    Location: Northway
    Type: MIW III / PTRP

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2025 at approximately 0900 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a request to conduct a welfare check at a residence in Northway. Investigation revealed a Bryan L. Jimmie, age 27, is on felony level probation and prohibited from consuming alcohol. Bryan had a strong odor of alcohol about his person. Adult Probation Office in Fairbanks was contacted, and the findings were relayed. Further requests were made for AST to conduct a search of the residence. A search was carried out and revealed a handgun present inside the residence. Bryan was placed under arrest for Misconduct Involving Weapons III as well as a Petition to Revoke Probation. Bryan was transported to FCC and held without bail.

    Posted on 1/9/2025 7:40:22 PM by DPS\vaplotnikov

  • AK25002897

    Location: Delta Junction
    Type: Fail to Yield

    Dispatch Text:

    On 1-9-25, Delta Junction AST received a REDDI report stating James Mead, age 59 of Delta Junction, was driving at slow speeds, failing to maintain his lane, and then proceeded to drive southbound in the northbound lane almost causing a head on collision with a semi truck. The semi truck had to honk their horn before James got back into the southbound lane. Delta Junction AST located James and observed the vehicle failing to maintain its lane and initiated a traffic stop near mile 273 of the Richardson. James continued to drive at approximately 55 mph until he was spiked near milepost 314 of the Richardson Hwy. The pursuit ended when James drove into the snow bank and put his hands out the window of his vehicle. There was no obvious signs of intoxication. James was arrested for Fail to Yield without further incident and was remanded to FCC. A bail was requested for James. 

    If anyone has any information about this pursuit or knows the driver of the semi truck, please contact AST. AST would like to contact the driver of the semi to further the investigation. 

    Posted on 1/9/2025 9:08:03 PM by DPS\cihudson

  • AK25002842

    Location: Healy
    Type: MVC-D, Negligent Driving, & CMV violations

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2024 at 1447 hours the Alaska State Troopers responded to a single vehicle MVC near Mile 243.5 Parks Highway, south of Healy.  Investigation determined Vitaliy Bocharov, age 60 from Delta Junction was towing a gooseneck trailer carrying 2 vehicles when he lost control due to going too fast for conditions.  The truck and trailer jack-knifed, crossed the opposite lane of travel and went into the ditch causing damage to the truck, trailer, and two vehicles on the trailer.  Bocharov was issued a citation for Negligent driving (CMV) and other citations related to Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations.  

    Posted on 1/9/2025 10:07:04 PM by DPS\dwbozman

E Detachment ...No news reported.

Headquarters ...No news reported.

AK Wildlife Troopers ...No news reported.

AK Bureau of Investigation ...No news reported.

AK Bureau of Highway Patrol

  • AK25002449

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Fail to Stop, DC, & VCOR

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/08/2025, the Highway Interdiction K9 Team attempted to stop a 2002 Green Chevy Silverado for multiple equipment violations. The Chevy immediately eluded recklessly on Sylvan Road and continued into a residential driveway before running on foot into the woods. Drones were deployed, along with a K9. The driver was not located that evening. On 01/09/2025, following a search warrant on the truck it was determined the driver was, Dusten Hayes, age 39 of Wasilla, who is on ankle monitor. Hayes was located at a residence in Wasilla where he was arrested and remanded to MAT-SU Pretrial with no bail on charges of Fail to Stop at the Direction of a Peace Officer 1st, Disorderly Conduct, and Violation of Conditions of Release.  

    Posted on 1/9/2025 5:41:10 PM by DPS\glstephens

  • AK24095360

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Warrant

    Dispatch Text:

    On 01/09/2025, at approximately 1600 hours, the Highway Interdiction K9 Team responded to a residence off W. Emil Drive in Wasilla for an investigation from the night prior. Mark Donithan, age 64 of Wasilla, was contacted in the driveway when he fled on foot into the residence. It was determine Donithan had a $1,000 felony arrest warrant for failure to appear on a court date on the original charge of Fail to Stop at the Direction of a Peace Officer. Donithan was arrested and remanded to MAT-SU Pretrial on his warrant. 

    Posted on 1/9/2025 5:45:50 PM by DPS\glstephens

AK Bureau of Judicial Services ...No news reported.

AK Div of Fire and Life Safety ...No news reported.