Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Friday, June 7, 2024
Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
A Detachment ...No news reported.
B Detachment
Location: WasillaType: Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On 06/07/24 at approximately 0041 hours AST conducted a traffic stop in Wasilla. Troopers contacted the driver, Tayvin Christiansen, age 21 of Wasilla, who had an active arrest warrant (3AN-21-02869CR FTA ARGN- O/C OUI/PTRP-ASAP). Tayvin was arrested and remanded to MSPT on a $200.00 bond.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:34:24 AM by DPS\jrvenable
Location: WasillaType: Criminal Mischief / Criminal TrespassDispatch Text:
On 6/7/2024 at 1400 hours, Palmer Judicial Services served an eviction at a residence in Wasilla and contacted multiple occupants who were informed to vacate the premises. Shortly after the eviction process and the residence being secured, Troopers responded to a report that a male was attempting to enter the residence. Investigation determined that Aleksandr Isupov, age 51, of Palmer had unlawfully gained access into the residence and caused damage estimated at approximately $1400.00. Isupov was subsequently arrested for Criminal Mischief III and Criminal Trespass II and transported to the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility with no bail pending arraignment.
Posted on 6/7/2024 7:21:56 PM by SOA\cglong
Location: PalmerType: Sexual Abuse of a MinorDispatch Text:
On April 10, 2023, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of harm from the Office of Children's Services, regarding a young child. The Alaska State Troopers Child Abuse Investigation Unit began a thorough investigation. On June 6, 2024, a Palmer Grand Jury indicted 30-year-old Tanner Adams, of Palmer, on two counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the 2nd Degree and the Palmer Court issued an arrest warrant. On June 7, 2024, Adams turned himself in at Palmer Police Department and was remanded to Mat-Su Pretrial.
Posted on 6/7/2024 8:24:42 PM by DPS\jfreeman1
C Detachment
Location: KodiakType: Violate Conditions [VIOL]Dispatch Text:
On 05/31/2024 at approximately 22:04 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a person violating their conditions of release. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 53 YOA Danny Hatfield of Kodiak for VCOR and DWLR.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:16:12 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KivalinaType: DisturbanceDispatch Text:
On 05/31/2024 at approximately 02:42 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a disturbance. The investigation continues.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:17:09 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: SavoongaType: Liquor Laws [LIQU]Dispatch Text:
On 05/31/2024 at approximately 16:30 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of importation of alcohol. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:18:49 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KianaType: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism [DEST]Dispatch Text:
On 06/01/2024 at approximately 19:49 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a criminal mischief at a local store. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:19:29 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: Brevig MissionType: Assault - Non DV [A13N]Dispatch Text:
On 06/02/2024 at approximately 01:53 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:20:08 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: SelawikType: Assault - DV [A13D]Dispatch Text:
On 06/02/2024 at approximately 00:59 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 51 YOA Marla Stone of Selawik for Assault 3 & Assault 4.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:20:47 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KobukType: Arson [ARSN]Dispatch Text:
On 06/02/2024 at approximately 11:24 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a fire at a local residence. Subsequent investigation revealed 23 year old Alice Brown of Kobuk intentionally set the fire after a disturbance at the same residence. Alice was arrested on Arson 1 and Criminal Mischief 4-DV. She was transported to the Kotzebue Regional Jail and remanded.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:21:25 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
D Detachment
Location: FairbanksType: Weapons Violation/Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On June 4th, 2024 a felony No-Bail arrest warrant (ref. 41-24-1766) was issued by the Alaska Parole Board for George Moises Romero Jr., 36, of Fairbanks. Romero was on supervised parole for Murder II, Robbery II, and Assault III (ref. 3AN-05-12027CR). Romero had previously fled from Parole when they attempted a meeting with him, and law enforcement was informed he may be in possession of a firearm. The Alaska State Troopers Criminal Suppression Unit (CSU) in Fairbanks initiated efforts to locate Romero and take him into custody.
On June 6th, CSU located Romero near Dawn Dr. in Fairbanks with the assistance of the Fairbanks Area Narcotics Team (FANT) and Helo 2. The Northern SWAT Team was called upon to initiate an arrest of Romero.
At approximately 1625 hours Romero was spotted hiking into the woods wearing a camouflage poncho and carrying several items of camping equipment. Members of the Northern SWAT Team then confronted Romero to surrender. Romero was briefly non-compliant with commands, but eventually surrendered himself and was taken into custody without further incident.
Troopers located two loaded pistols on Romero's person, additional magazines and ammunition, and found that he was wearing body armor in conjunction with ballistic plates. A third loaded firearm was located in Romero's belongings.
Romero was remanded to the Fairbanks Correctional Center on his outstanding warrant and additionally charged with 3 counts of Misconduct Involving Weapons 3rd Degree for being a felon in possession of concealable firearms.
Posted on 6/7/2024 9:29:53 AM by DPS\tjnorris
Location: Richardson HighwayType: Motor Vehicle CollisionDispatch Text:
On June 6, 2024, at approximately 1644 hours, Fairbanks AST responded to approximately mile 345 of the Richardson Highway for a single motor vehicle collision. The collision involved a motorcycle experiencing "death wobbles" and colliding with the guardrail. The driver was transported to Fairbanks Memorial Hospital for their injuries.
Posted on 6/7/2024 3:47:21 PM by DPS\jdchipps
Location: FairbanksType: DVPO ViolationDispatch Text:
On May 30, 2024, at approximately 12:39 hours, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a DVPO violation. This case is currently under investigation.
Posted on 6/7/2024 5:48:43 PM by DPS\rcbell
Location: FairbanksType: TheftDispatch Text:
On June 7, 2024, at 17:17, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a stolen firearm in the area of Badger Road. This case is currently under investigation.
Posted on 6/7/2024 6:07:31 PM by DPS\rcbell
Location: FairbanksType: DV assaultDispatch Text:
On 06/07/2024 at 1939 hours the Alaska State Troopers received a call about a disturbance near Madcap Ln. An investigation concluded that George Alurac assaulted his longtime girlfriend. George was remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center without incident.
Posted on 6/7/2024 8:59:54 PM by DPS\dsdicken
E Detachment ...No news reported.
Headquarters ...No news reported.
AK Wildlife Troopers
Location: SitkaType: Public Safety Brown Bear KillDispatch Text:
On 6-7-24, shortly before 1300 hours, Sitka Police Dispatch advised AWT of an aggressive Brown Bear with two cubs in the area of Jamestown Drive and the 1800 block of Sawmill Creek Road. Dispatch further advised the sow had attempted to attack the complainant's dog, and was eating trash at a residence. An AWT Trooper and Sitka PD officer responded and located a sow with two cubs which had entered the attached garage of another residence through an open door and ransacked the space to access garbage therein. Based on reported aggressive behavior and observation that the bears had entered and remained in a residence, all three bears were deemed a hazard to public safety and were killed by AWT at the residence. The bears were salvaged as required by regulation with the hides, claws, and skulls turned over to ADF&G. AWT would like to remind citizens to secure their residences and any items on their property which might attract bears.
Posted on 6/7/2024 5:55:15 PM by DPS\kjferguson
Location: GlenallenType: over limit Chinook salmonDispatch Text:
On 6/7/24, Aleksandr Balaban, age 64 of Wasilla, was issued a summons to appear in Glennallen District Court for violating the bag limit for Chinook Salmon taken by dipnet in the Glennallen Subdistrict of the Copper River. During a contact with Balaban in Chitina, Alaska Wildlife Troopers discovered he had taken seven Chinook Salmon by dipnet in the waters of the Glennallen Subdistrict of the Copper River. Balaban was also cited for possession of unmarked subsistence caught salmon for failing to clip the tips of the tail fins of his salmon. Balaban is set to appear in Glennallen District Court on 7/9/24, and the over limit Chinook Salmon were seized.
Posted on 6/7/2024 4:38:37 PM by DPS\jmmcginnis
Location: HopeType: Bear Bait RequirementsDispatch Text:
On 5/23/24 Alaska Wildlife Troopers were conducting bear bait checks in the Hope area. Investigation revealed that Paris Johnson, age 33, of Anchorage had an active bait site within one mile of a residence. Johnson was issued a citation for having an active bear bait site too close to a residence.
Posted on 6/7/2024 11:55:07 AM by DPS\jldarby
Location: HopeType: Bear Bait RequirementsDispatch Text:
On 5/23/24 Alaska Wildlife Troopers were conducting bear bait patrols in the Hope area. Investigation revealed that Brandon Justice, age 38, of Wasilla had a bear bait station too close to a residence. Justice was issued a citation for having a bait site too close to a residence.
Posted on 6/7/2024 12:01:30 PM by DPS\jldarby
AK Bureau of Investigation
Location: KodiakType: MICS 2 & 3Dispatch Text:
On June 4, 2024, Alaska State Troopers Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) in Kodiak, seized a suspicious parcel suspected to contain narcotics. A subsequent search warrant was obtained which revealed there to be over 500 blue “M30” fentanyl pills and 29.9 grams of crystal methamphetamine. On June 5, 2024, SDEU along with members of Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers patrol, Kodiak PD, and Coast Guard Investigative Service, conducted a controlled delivery operation in Kodiak. As a result, Ty Anderson, age 45 of Kodiak, was arrested and remanded to the Kodiak Jail for second and third degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance. A follow-up search warrant of the suspect residence was obtained which yielded 14 grams of pure fentanyl, 392 blue “M30” fentanyl pills, 7 grams of crystal methamphetamine and $4,256 in cash. Investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 6/7/2024 10:14:41 AM by DPS\tjdespain
Location: KodiakType: MICS 2Dispatch Text:
On June 6, 2024, Alaska State Troopers Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) in Kodiak, along with members of Alaska State Troopers and Alaska Wildlife Troopers patrol, Kodiak PD, and Coast Guard Investigative Service, executed search warrants at two separate residences in Kodiak. The search warrants were part of an ongoing investigation into drug trafficking and the selling of fentanyl. As a result, Rashel Guerra, age 25 of Kodiak, and Truby Roberson, age 33 of Kodiak, were arrested and remanded to Kodiak Jail on multiple counts of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Second Degree. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 6/7/2024 10:17:42 AM by DPS\tjdespain
AK Bureau of Highway Patrol ...No news reported.
AK Bureau of Judicial Services ...No news reported.
AK Div of Fire and Life Safety
Location: FairbanksType: Burglary / Arson / Criminal Mischief / Tampering with Physical EvidenceDispatch Text:
On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, Chena-Goldstream Fire & Rescue (CGFR) responded to a residential structure fire at 1327 Windfall Way. There was evidence of multiple “sets” within the structure and a Deputy Fire Marshal (DFM) responded to conduct an origin and cause investigation. Two (2) separate and distinct areas of origin were identified, and the fire was classified as Incendiary. A suspect was identified and following a lengthy investigation the case was forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for review. On Thursday, June 6, 2024, a Fairbanks grand jury indicted Eric William Kline (52 years old) on charges of Burglary in the 1st Degree, Arson in the 2nd Degree, Criminal Mischief in the 1st and 3rd Degrees, and Tampering with Physical Evidence. On Friday, June 7, 2024, Kline was arrested and remanded to FCC on $150,000 bond.
This investigation was supported by efforts from the Alaska State Troopers D Detachment, the Fairbanks Criminal Suppression Unit, and the Alaska Bureau of Investigation.
Posted on 6/7/2024 2:17:27 PM by DPS\kscarrington