Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Friday, January 17, 2025
Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
A Detachment ...No news reported.
B Detachment
Location: PalmerType: Violating Conditions of ReleaseDispatch Text:
On 1/16/2025 the Alaska State Troopers received a report that Palmer resident, Joseph Giancoli, was violating the conditions of his release by going to a residence and being in contact with the victim of his original crime. Troopers arrived at the residence and found Joseph, reminded him of the conditions of his release, and placed him under arrest. Joseph was remanded at Mat-Su Pretrial and held without bail.
Posted on 1/17/2025 7:07:26 AM by DPS\cnfouts
Location: WasillaType: Vehicle Theft 1, Theft 2, Reckless DrivingDispatch Text:
On January 16, 2025, at approximately 9:44 PM, the Alaska State Troopers (AST) spotted a truck that had been reported stolen on January 14, 2024. As AST attempted to follow the vehicle, it fled at a high speed. The truck eventually came to a stop with its front wheels in a ditch near the intersection of Skyview and Gunflint Drive. The driver exited the vehicle and ran away before AST could catch up. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of AST, the Wasilla Police Department's drone, the K9 officer, and the K9 Echo, the driver was located nearby and arrested without incident. The driver was identified as Christopher Wright, 31, of Wasilla. There were no other occupants in the vehicle. Christopher was transported and remanded at the Matsu Pretrial facility on charges of Vehicle Theft in the first degree, Theft in the second degree, and Reckless Driving.
Posted on 1/17/2025 5:27:01 AM by DPS\tmharris
C Detachment
Location: KodiakType: Disturbance [DIST]Dispatch Text:
On 01/16/2025 at approximately 11:49 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a disturbance in Kodiak. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 35 YOA Kayla Ignatin of Kodiak for interfering with the landing of a caravan by climbing into the co-pilot seat on its approach to the Kodiak airport. She is being charged with Reckless Endangerment.
*The charges have been updated to reflect the correct criminal charge.
Posted on 1/17/2025 2:27:29 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: Norton Sound RegionType: Sexual Assault [SEXS]Dispatch Text:
On 01/16/2025 at approximately 13:54 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault in the Norton Sound Region. The investigation continues.
Posted on 1/17/2025 2:27:58 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: AmblerType: Terroristic Threat [TERR]Dispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025 at approximately 12:40 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a person making terroristic threats via the VHF radio to multiple people in the Ambler. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 36 YOA Marvin Cleveland of Ambler for 2 counts of Terroristic Threatening in the 2nd Degree.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:55:43 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KodiakType: Traffic [TRAF]Dispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025 at approximately 16:50 hours, Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop on an individual in Kodiak. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 36 YOA Taryn Woods of Kodiak for DWLR.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:56:09 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KodiakType: Suspicious circumstancesDispatch Text:
On 01/14/2025 at approximately 13:09 hours, Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle known to belong to an individual with a revoked license. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 54 YOA Danny Hatfield of Kodiak for DWLR and VCOR.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:57:01 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KodiakType: Disturbance [DIST]Dispatch Text:
On 01/14/2025 at approximately 15:37 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault in Kodiak. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:57:52 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: NomeType: Violate Conditions [VIOL]Dispatch Text:
On 01/15/2025 at approximately 11:27 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a person violating their conditions of release in Nome. The investigation continues.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:58:24 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: ShishmarefType: Disturbance [DIST]Dispatch Text:
On 01/16/2025 at approximately 05:27 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault in Shishmaref. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:58:59 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: TogiakType: Violate ConditionsDispatch Text:
On 1/13/25 at approximately 09:04 hours 22 YOA James Forbes of Togiak was charged with Violating Conditions of a DVPO for unlawful contact while at Goose Creek Correctional Center.
Posted on 1/17/2025 12:33:12 PM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: YK DeltaType: Assault - DVDispatch Text:
On 01/14/2025 at approximately 14:34 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 12:33:59 PM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: TuluksakType: TrespassDispatch Text:
On 01/14/2025 at approximately 14:56 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of Trespassing. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.
Posted on 1/17/2025 12:34:48 PM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: YK DeltaType: Sexual AssaultDispatch Text:
On 01/14/2025 at approximately 20:34 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Sexual Assault. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 12:35:41 PM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: AkiakType: BurglaryDispatch Text:
On 01/15/2025 at approximately 16:00 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Burglary. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 12:36:30 PM by DPS\tjsmith3
D Detachment
Location: FairbanksType: DUIDispatch Text:
On January 16, 2024, at approximately 2240 hours, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a motor vehicle collision at the intersection of Goldstream Road and Stony Hollow Lane. The vehicle had veered off the road, destroying several mailboxes before going VID. The driver was identified as John Terwilliger, and further investigation led to his arrest for DUI. John was remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center without incident.
Posted on 1/17/2025 7:14:34 AM by DPS\rcbell
Location: NorthwayType: Welfare Check/Title 47Dispatch Text:
On 1/16/25, at 1300 hours, a resident from Northway reported a 62 year old male was attempting to hitchhike to Canada. The male was not dress correctly for the weather conditions. The Tok VPSO made contacted with the subject an transported him back to Tok Post to be interview by a Trooper. Based on the interview the investigation determine the subject needed to be evaluated by medical personnel at FMH. The subject was place in Title 47 status transported to FMH by a Fairbanks base VPSO.
Posted on 1/17/2025 9:58:17 AM by DPS\mfhaglin
Location: North PoleType: AssaultDispatch Text:
On January 11, 2025, at approximately 0059 hours, Fairbanks AST received a report of an assault after the fact in the area of Freedom Drive in North Pole. An investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/17/2025 5:39:29 AM by DPS\jdchipps
Location: FairbanksType: Reckless EndangermentDispatch Text:
On January 16, 2025, at approximately 2312 hours, Fairbanks AST responded to a report of a disturbance in the area of Amherst Drive. Investigation resulted in the arrest of Mason Peterson for two counts of reckless endangerment.
Posted on 1/17/2025 5:41:51 AM by DPS\jdchipps
Location: FairbanksType: Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On January 17, 2025, at approximately 0207 hours, Fairbanks AST conducted a traffic stop at the intersection of 24th Ave and Bjerremark Street. It was revealed that the driver, Brandon Bender, had an outstanding warrant for DUI. Brandon was arrested and remanded to FCC.
Posted on 1/17/2025 5:46:10 AM by DPS\jdchipps
Location: North PoleType: Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On 01/17/2025 a Trooper was on routine patrol at Badger Gas outside of North Pole. He identified Dustin Young, who he knew had an active warrant for his arrest. Young was arrested without incident and transported to FCC for remand.
Posted on 1/17/2025 2:15:04 PM by DPS\hrchurness
Location: Delta JunctionType: Motorist AssistDispatch Text:
On 1-17-24, Delta Junction AST observed a semi truck turning out of Delta Petro Wash turn to sharply and get the trailer stuck in the ditch. The entire southbound lane was blocked. Delta AST provided traffic control until the semi was pulled out and the roadway was clear. The incident lasted approximately 30 minutes.
Posted on 1/17/2025 4:40:27 PM by DPS\cihudson
E Detachment ...No news reported.
Headquarters ...No news reported.
AK Wildlife Troopers ...No news reported.
AK Bureau of Investigation
Location: SitkaType: Officer Involved Shooting InvestigationDispatch Text:
On January 16, 2025, at approximately 6:00 pm, the Southeast Alaska Cities Against Drugs (SEACAD) regional task force was conducting a drug interdiction operation in Sitka. During that operation, a Sitka Police Officer discharged their service weapon. The officer’s bullet did not strike the offender, and no law enforcement officers, bystanders, or offenders were injured during the incident. At the request of the Sitka Police Department, the Alaska Bureau of Investigation has assumed case responsibility and will investigate the officer’s use of lethal force. Once the ABI investigation is completed, it will be independently reviewed by the Alaska Office of Special Prosecutions. The SEACAD regional task force will maintain case responsibility for the drug interdiction operation.
Posted on 1/17/2025 1:11:30 PM by DPS\ajmcdaniel