Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Monday, January 13, 2025
Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
A Detachment ...No news reported.
B Detachment
Location: PalmerType: DUIDispatch Text:
On 1/13/2025 at approximately 0956 hours, Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop on Acorn near Palmer Wasilla Hwy in Palmer. Investigation led to the arrest of Katrina Starbird, age 53 of Wasilla, for DUI. She was remanded to the custody of the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility.
Posted on 1/13/2025 5:31:08 PM by DPS\rranderson
Location: WasillaType: Warrant ArrestDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025, Alaska State Troopers located and arrested Andrew Dupont, age 29 of Wasilla, on numerous arrest warrants. He was remanded to the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility and held on $1000 bail.
Posted on 1/13/2025 5:33:28 PM by DPS\rranderson
Location: PalmerType: Motor Vehicle Collision - InjuryDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025 at approximately 1439 hours, Alaska State Troopers responded to a two-vehicle collision on Palmer Wasilla Hwy and Local 302 Road in Palmer. Minor injuries were reported.
Posted on 1/13/2025 5:35:07 PM by DPS\rranderson
Location: WasillaType: Vehicle TheftDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025 at approximately 1958 hours, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a vehicle theft from Speedway Express near S. Sylvan Road and W. Parks Highway. A 2010 white F150 XLT was stolen while it was running at the gas pump. Investigation is on-going.
Posted on 1/13/2025 11:57:04 PM by DPS\shsutton
Location: Big LakeType: Assault 4 DVDispatch Text:
On 1/12/2025 at approximately 2026 hours, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a disturbance near Big Lake Rd. Investigation revealed that Cynthia McGahhey, 71 YOA, had committed the crime of Assault in the 4th degree by causing physical injury to a family member. Cynthia was remanded at MatSu Pretrial, where she was held without bail.
Posted on 1/13/2025 12:55:41 AM by DPS\jlvandiest
C Detachment
Location: KodiakType: Theft [THEF]Dispatch Text:
On 01/06/2025 at approximately 09:07 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a theft in the city of Kodiak. A firearm was reported to have been stolen from a local residence. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 45 YOA Michael Denato of Kodiak, a convicted felon, for Misconduct Involving a Weapon in the 3rd Degree, Escape in the 3rd Degree, and Violating Conditions of Release.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:03:16 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: NomeType: Trespass [TRES]Dispatch Text:
On 01/07/2024 at approximately 12:22 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a trespass at a local residence 6 miles outside the city limits of Nome. The trespass is reported to have occurred prior to 12/26/2024. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:03:38 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: NomeType: Suspicious Circumstances [SUSP]Dispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 at approximately 12:08 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an assault outside of Nome city limits. The investigation continues.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:04:08 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: KoyukType: Burglary [BURG]Dispatch Text:
On 01/09/2025 at approximately 13:09 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a burglary in the village of Koyuk. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 33 YOA Steven Hoogendorn of Koyuk for Burglary 1 and Assault 4 - DV.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:07:39 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: Norton Sound RegionType: Sex offenseDispatch Text:
On 01/09/2025 at approximately 15:15 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a possible sex offense in the Norton Sound Region. The investigation continues.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:08:03 PM by DPS\kmrockwell
Location: NoatakType: Fatal ATV CollisionDispatch Text:
On January 12, 2025, at 6:29 am, the Alaska State Troopers were notified of an ATV crash in Noatak. A preliminary investigation revealed that 36-year-old Noatak resident Georgia Onalik was operating an ATV with an adult male passenger on Willow Street in Noatak when it crashed for unknown reasons. Onalik and the male passenger were located by community members lying near the ATV and were both taken to the clinic. Onalik was declared deceased at the clinic and the adult man was medevaced to a Kotzebue area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Onalik’s body was sent to the State Medical Examiner’s Office for autopsy, and her next of kin have been notified. The investigation is ongoing.
Posted on 1/13/2025 4:08:26 PM by DPS\ajmcdaniel
Location: TuluksakType: Assault - DVDispatch Text:
On 01/07/2025 at approximately 16:32 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:05:26 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: AniakType: Deceased PersonDispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 at approximately 01:45 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Deceased Person. 40 YOA Kimberly Kelila of Aniak passed away. No signs of foul play. Next of kin was notified.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:06:45 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: DillinghamType: Violate ConditionsDispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 at approximately 15:10 hours, Alaska State Troopers arrested Nathan Wassillie 33 YOA of Aleknagik for active arrest warrants and Violating Conditions of his Release.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:07:55 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: Goodnews BayType: TrespassDispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 at approximately 17:22 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of Trespassing into a person's home. There are no suspects, leads, or witnesses. This case is closed pending any further investigatory leads.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:08:55 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: AkiachakType: TrafficDispatch Text:
On 01/08/2025 at approximately 03:08 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a vehicle off the side of the roadway. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 31 YOA Marie Friday for Driving Under the Influence.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:09:58 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: QuinhagakType: Assault - Non DVDispatch Text:
On 01/09/2025 at approximately 17:23 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - Non DV. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 29 YOA William Pleasant of Quinhagak for 2 counts of Assault 3 on a peace officer. Case closed.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:11:12 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: BucklandType: Search and RescueDispatch Text:
On January 11, 2025, at 3:13pm, the Northwest Arctic Borough SAR Office reported to the Alaska State Troopers, they had received a report of a VHF distress signal out of the village of Buckland. Local SAR presidents were contacted and were not aware of anyone who was overdue or missing. Two ground searchers from Buckland were dispatched to the coordinates of the distress signal. On January 12, searchers were unable to locate anyone on the trail. Further investigation showed updated coordinates came from a house in Buckland. The owner of the VHF radio was contacted, and it appears it was a malfunctioning radio.
Posted on 1/13/2025 10:41:01 AM by DPS\jfreeman1
Location: TuluksakType: Assault - DVDispatch Text:
On 01/06/2025 at approximately 12:00 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.
Posted on 1/13/2025 8:57:52 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: TununakType: Assault - DVDispatch Text:
On 01/09/2025 at approximately 11:00 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigative results were forwarded to the DA's office for review and charging determination. The DA's office dismissed charges in this case. Case closed.
Posted on 1/13/2025 8:58:59 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: BethelType: Escape or EvadeDispatch Text:
On 01/07/2025 at approximately 14:08 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Escape from the Tundra Center Halfway House. 35 YOA Inmate Terence Motgin of Napakiak later turned himself in. One charge of Escape 4 is being referred to the DA’s office.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:00:16 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: MarshallType: Suspicious CircumstancesDispatch Text:
On 01/06/2025 at approximately 08:19 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of Suspicious Circumstances . Investigation resulted in the arrest of 19 YOA Angella Polty of Russian Mission for Assault.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:01:56 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: ChevakType: Assault - Non DVDispatch Text:
On 01/06/2025 at approximately 16:36 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - Non DV. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:03:05 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
D Detachment
Location: FairbanksType: Felony DUIDispatch Text:
On January 12th, 2025, AST responded to a vehicle in the ditch on the Mitchell Expressway and Old Airport Way. An investigation revealed that the driver, Mason Thumma, a 24-year-old from Fairbanks, was operating his motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. After the collision, Mason left the scene, jumped a fence, and trespassed on the surrounding property. It was also revealed that Mason, a convicted felon, was in possession of a firearm. Mason was remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center on the charges of Felony DUI, Misconduct Involving Weapons in the Third and Fourth Degrees, Driving in Violation of License Limitations, and Criminal Trespass.
Posted on 1/13/2025 1:28:19 AM by DPS\bkhaley
Location: FairbanksType: A4, Criminal Mischief, Assault in presence of MinorDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025, Alaska State Troopers responded to a disturbance in Fairbanks. The investigation resulted in the arrest of Brianna Boyd, 34, for two counts of Assault 4th Degree, 1 count of Criminal Mischief 5th Degree, and 1 count of Assault in the Presence of a Minor. She was remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center.
Posted on 1/13/2025 5:34:50 AM by DPS\japoole
Location: FairbanksType: RunawayDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025, Alaska State Troopers responded to a runaway report. During the investigation, the JV was located.
Posted on 1/13/2025 6:08:59 AM by DPS\japoole
Location: TuluksakType: Assault - DVDispatch Text:
On 01/07/2025 at approximately 10:49 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination for 2 persons. The investigation also resulted in the arrest of 38 YOA Noah Alexie of Tuluksak for Assault X 2, Driving Under the Influence, and Misconduct Involving a Weapon.
Posted on 1/13/2025 9:04:32 AM by DPS\tjsmith3
Location: FairbanksType: Warrant Arrest, DWSOL, VCORDispatch Text:
On 01/13/2025 at approximately 1235 hours a Trooper conducted a traffic stop for an equipment violation. The driver, William Dozette, was arrested for a warrant, driving while revoked, and violating conditions of release.
Posted on 1/13/2025 2:00:00 PM by DPS\hrchurness
Location: TokType: Warrant Arrest x 3Dispatch Text:
On January 11, 2025 at about 1:00 PM, Alaska State Troopers in Tok contacted Jason Corghill, age 49 of Tok. Corghill had three outstanding arrest warrants in court cases 4TO-23-00003CR, 4TO-24-00078CR, and 4FA-21-02331CR with a total bail of $4250.00 and a 10% posting requirement between all three. Corghill was remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center.
Posted on 1/13/2025 7:06:07 PM by DPS\sohessler
E Detachment ...No news reported.
Headquarters ...No news reported.
AK Wildlife Troopers
Location: SoldotnaType: False Statement on a LicenseDispatch Text:
On 10/29/1024, Alaska Wildlife Troopers investigated two individuals, Steven Tran, 35, from Soldotna, and Yennhi Tran, 31, from Wasilla, for a residence violation. The investigation revealed that both individuals claimed residence in California and Alaska for three years. They purchased a resident Hunting and Fishing License in Alaska and a resident Fishing license in California. Steven was issued three citations, and Yennhi Tran was issued three citations for False statements on a license. The citations were filed with the Kenai Court.
Posted on 1/13/2025 12:34:58 PM by DPS\dmlorring