Alaska State Troopers Press Release of Monday, March 24, 2025

Any charges reported in these press releases are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

A Detachment

  • AK25026843

    Location: Soldotna
    Type: Search and Rescue

    Dispatch Text:

    UPDATE 12:10 pm: Earlier this morning, a good samaritan aircraft located the plane wreckage near the eastern side of Tustemena Lake. At approximately 10:30 am, the Alaska Army National Guard rescued the adult male pilot and two juvenile passengers from the plane. The three persons were taken to a Kenai Peninsula area hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. The Alaska State Troopers would like to thank the Alaska Army National Guard, US Coast Guard, the Alaska Rescue Coordination Center, and the good samaritan aircraft that assisted with this operation.

    On 03/23/2025 at approximately 10:32 pm, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an overdue Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser aircraft that had not returned. Suspected locations are Tustumena Lake and Kenai Mountain,s east of Homer. Rescue Coordination Center and Coast Guard AC-130 are currently conducting the search with Air Guard C-130 and HH-60 helicopter on standby.

    *Release has been updated to reflect the correct date that the overdue plane report was made to Troopers. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 6:52:57 AM by DPS\jcsimoneau

  • AK25025452

    Location: Ninilchik
    Type: DUI, Refusal

    Dispatch Text:

    On 3/19/25 at 1606 hours, Troopers received a REDDI report from the staff at the Ninilchik Three Bears store. Troopers located the vehicle at a residence in Ninilchik and contacted Mitchell Evans, 68 of Ninilchik. An investigation showed Evans had driven his vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Evans was arrested and transported to the Homer Jail where he refused to provide a sample of his breath as required by law. Evans was remanded on charges of DUI and Refusal of a Chemical Test.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 8:20:51 PM by DPS\djcox

B Detachment

  • AK25026839

    Location: Glennallen
    Type: DWLR

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/23/2024 Glennallen AST contacted Austin Wilmarth, age 26 of Palmer, in Glennallen after he was observed driving a vehicle with multiple equipment violations.  Investigation revealed that Wilmarth was driving while license revoked with prior convictions.  Wilmarth was issued a misdemeanor summons for DWLR with a mandatory court appearance on 04/16/2025 in the Glennallen Courts.  

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:38:01 PM by DPS\dtmcweeney

  • AK25026876

    Location: Palmer
    Type: DV Assault 4th

    Dispatch Text:

    On 3/24/25 at 0023 hours, AST received a report of a disturbance near Wasilla. Upon arrival AST contacted Thomasina Joseph age 41 of Wasilla. Investigation found Thomasina assaulted a family member, subsequently she was arrested transported and remanded at MSPT for DV assault 4th and assault in the presence of a child.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 3:43:38 AM by DPS\jbbarker

  • AK25026824

    Location: Willow
    Type: Assault 3, MIW4

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/23/2025, at approximately 2055 hours, AST responded to a shooting in Willow off the Parks Hwy. Bryan Hemstad was reported to be discharging a firearm to scare neighbors away from his property. Through investigation, it was determined that Bryan discharged his firearm while intoxicated and caused two neighbors to be in fear of being shot. Bryan was arrested and transported to Mat-Su pre-trial, where he was remanded for two counts of Assault 3 and Misconduct Involving a Weapon in the fourth degree. He is being held with no bail.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 4:32:40 AM by DPS\mjpletsch

  • AK25026956

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Vehicle Theft

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/24/2025 at approximately 1103 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a vehicle theft from an address on Machen Road in Wasilla. Investigation is ongoing. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:42:59 PM by DPS\rranderson

  • AK25027017

    Location: Talkeetna
    Type: Motor Vehicle Collision - Injury

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/24/2025 at approximately 1218 hours, Alaska State Troopers responded to a motor vehicle collision on Talkeetna Spur in Talkeetna. Minor injuries were reported.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:43:57 PM by DPS\rranderson

  • AK25027028

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Theft of Access Device

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/24/2025 at approximately 1306 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a credit card theft and use from an address in Wasilla. Investigation is ongoing. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:44:55 PM by DPS\rranderson

  • AK25027104

    Location: Trapper Creeek
    Type: Theft

    Dispatch Text:

    Update: In the last 24 hours, Alaska State Troopers received numerous reports of thefts from the Kroto Creek parking lot & Parks Hwy pullouts in Trapper Creek. Thefts include enclosed trailers, snowmachines, and other property. Anyone with information related to these incidents are urged to contact Trp. McKenney, Crime Stoppers, or AK Tips. 

    Original: On 03/24/2025 at approximately 1338 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a theft from Petersville Road. Investigation is ongoing. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:45:49 PM by DPS\rranderson

  • AK25027155

    Location: Wasilla
    Type: Hit & Run

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/24/2025 at approximately 1624 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a hit & run after the fact at an address on Werner Drive. Unknown suspect struck the complainant's parked vehicle, causing damage. Anyone with information related to this incident is urged to contact Troopers, Crime Stoppers, or AK Tips. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:47:15 PM by DPS\rranderson

C Detachment

  • AK25026370

    Location: Kodiak
    Type: Weapon Violation

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/22/2025 at approximately 00:01 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Weapon Violation. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:38:52 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026407

    Location: Gambell
    Type: Destruction/Damage/Vandalism

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/22/2025 at approximately 04:24 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of Destruction/Damage/Vandalism. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 31 YOA Larisa Kava of Savoonga for Criminal Mischief in the 5th degree.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:41:01 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026444

    Location: Bristol Bay / Alaska Peninsula Region
    Type: Sexual Abuse of a Minor

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/22/2025 at approximately 11:42 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Sexual Abuse of a Minor, after the fact. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:45:31 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026514

    Location: Kotzebue
    Type: Assist Agency

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/22/2025 at approximately 15:25 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Theft of a snowmachine. The snowmachine was located and returned to the owner.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:46:19 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026681

    Location: Gambell
    Type: Assault - DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/23/2025 at approximately 08:28 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigative results have been referred to the DA's office for review and charging determination.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:47:07 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026412

    Location: Dillingham
    Type: Sexual Assault

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 22, 2025, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a sexual assault in the Alaska Peninsula region. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 11:37:31 AM by DPS\tewilliams

  • AK25023615

    Location: Gambell
    Type: Assault - DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/14/2025 at approximately 01:21 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 38 YOA Melainie Campbell of Gambell for Assault 4.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 12:58:44 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25023889

    Location: Nome
    Type: Welfare Check

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/14/2025 at approximately 22:21 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a request for a Welfare Check on an overdue snowmachiner. Troopers were able to contact him by phone and the person was ok and getting picked up.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 12:59:36 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25023998

    Location: Kodiak
    Type: Traffic

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/15/2025 at approximately 12:35 hours, Alaska State Troopers conducted a traffic stop on Yukon Street.41 YOA Willis Nelson of Kodiak was cited for failure to wear seatbelt, operating with expired registration and no motor vehicle liability insurance.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:00:26 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024006

    Location: Nome
    Type: Collision Vehicle

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/15/2025 at approximately 13:00 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a sled dog team being almost hit by a snowmachine on the Iditarod trail. At this time, this case is closed pending further information.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:01:24 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024221

    Location: Noorvik
    Type: Assault - DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/16/2025 at approximately 09:12 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:02:18 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024480

    Location: Selawik
    Type: Burglary

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/16/2025 at approximately 18:00 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Burglary at a residence. The investigation is closed pending further information.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:03:15 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024655

    Location: Red Dog Mine
    Type: Theft

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/17/2025 at approximately 15:14 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Theft. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:04:14 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024664

    Location: Stebbins
    Type: Driving Under the Influence

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/17/2025 at approximately 15:22 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a person Driving Under the Influence. The investigation is closed pending further information.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:05:54 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25024926

    Location: Kobuk
    Type: Animal Call

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/18/2025 at approximately 11:20 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a dog being shot. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:20:03 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025111

    Location: Stebbins
    Type: Disturbance

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/18/2025 at approximately 19:43 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Disturbance. Parties were separated before the VPO arrived.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:20:56 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025182

    Location: Shungnak
    Type: Assault - Non DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/19/2025 at approximately 05:05 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - Non DV. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:21:56 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025210

    Location: Shaktoolik
    Type: Assault - DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/18/2025 at approximately 16:35 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 26 YOA Everson Paniptchuk for Assault 4 and Assault in the presence of a child.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:22:42 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025441

    Location: Norton Sound Region
    Type: Sexual Abuse of a Minor

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/19/2025 at approximately 15:48 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the Norton Sound Region. The investigation is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:25:30 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025540

    Location: Kodiak Island
    Type: Disturbance

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/19/2025 at approximately 20:20 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Disturbance. Investigative findings have been forwarded for review.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:27:02 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025775

    Location: Stebbins
    Type: Search and Rescue

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/20/2025 at approximately 14:24 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a hunting party had gone missing on one of the Stebbins wilderness trails. VPO rallied a team of local volunteer search and rescue personnel. At 2200 hours, the party arrived home safely.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:31:02 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25025889

    Location: Savoonga
    Type: Deceased Person

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/20/2025 at approximately 18:05 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of a Deceased Person. 62 YOA Nora Jackson of Savoonga passed away at home. Next of kin was on scene and the SME office released Ms. Jackson to the family.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:32:00 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026326

    Location: Kodiak
    Type: Assault - Non DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/21/2025 at approximately 19:44 hours, Alaska State Troopers attempted a traffic stop on 41 YOA Victoriano Sorio of Kodiak for Failure to Stop, Driving while License Revoked, Assault 3, and VCOR.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:32:57 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

  • AK25026346

    Location: Kodiak
    Type: Assault - DV

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/21/2025 at approximately 21:59 hours, Alaska State Troopers received a report of an Assault - DV. Investigation resulted in the arrest of 22 YOA Robert Piotrowski of Kodiak for Assault 3 and Terroristic Threatening 2.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:36:21 PM by DPS\tjsmith3

D Detachment

  • AK25026904

    Location: North Pole
    Type: DV Criminal Mischief 4

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 24, 2025, at approximately 0705 hours, AST responded to a disturbance report in the area of Dundee Loop in North Pole. An investigation revealed that Kristie Hastings had damaged her domestic partner's property. Charges of Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree are being referred to the Fairbanks DAO.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 8:57:31 AM by DPS\melopezmartinez

  • AK25026805

    Location: North Pole
    Type: Warrant Arrests

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/23/2025 at 1520 hours a Trooper conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle after recognizing one of the occupants as Bryan Webb Johnson. Johnson had a felony warrant for failure to appear on charges of MICS3, two counts of MICS 4, two counts of MIW 2, MIW 3, and DWSOL. He was arrested without incident. The driver, Lucas Fox, was also arrested on his warrant.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 9:28:58 AM by DPS\hrchurness

  • AK25026511

    Location: Fairbanks
    Type: Deceased Person

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 22nd 2025, at about 1258, Troopers were notified of an expected home death in the area of Cascade Rd in Fairbanks. Upon arrival and further investigation, it was determined that Paris Dean Hutton had passed away from natural causes. The Next of Kin has been notified.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 1:42:49 PM by DPS\jwconnolly

  • AK25027035

    Location: North Pole
    Type: Assault

    Dispatch Text:

    On 03/24/2025 at 1142 hours Troopers took an assault call that occurred at FYF on 03/23/2025 at 1712 hours. A suspect has been identified, and this case is ongoing.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 2:42:08 PM by DPS\hrchurness

  • AK25027237

    Location: ALCAN Border
    Type: Fugitive from Justice

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 24, 2025, at approximately 1642 hours, Alaska State Troopers in Tok received a report from US Customs & Border Protection at the ALCAN Border that Steven Artim, age 51 of Ninilchik, had been contacted entering Alaska and had an active extraditable warrant for his arrest out of Texas. Artim was arrested and remanded to Fairbanks Correctional Center as a Fugitive from Justice. 

    AST would like to thank the VPSOs and Fairbanks Court Service Officers for their assistance. 

    Posted on 3/24/2025 10:48:56 PM by DPS\jnburnham

  • AK25027195

    Location: Fairbanks
    Type: Assault

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 24, 2025, at approximately 1542 hours, the Alaska State Troopers responded to the area of Sunny Hills Dr for the report of a disturbance. Investigation revealed that Brenda Scovone committed the offense of Assault 4 DV and Brandon Houger committed the offense of Assault 1 DV. Brandon and Brenda were remanded to the Fairbanks Correctional Center.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 11:08:15 PM by DPS\jldreher

E Detachment ...No news reported.

Headquarters ...No news reported.

AK Wildlife Troopers

  • AK25026947

    Location: Kachemak Bay
    Type: Sport Fishing Violation

    Dispatch Text:

    On March 22, 2025, David Dahlen 63 years old from Soldotna, Alaska was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers aboard the Patrol Vessel North River for sport fishing with too many lines in Kachemak Bay during the Homer King Salmon Derby. Dahlen was issued a $100 citation.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 5:39:40 PM by DPS\ntthornal

  • AK25025428

    Location: DUTCH HARBOR

    Dispatch Text:

    Sterling W Prout, 31 years old from Kodiak, Alaska was cited by the Alaska Wildlife Troopers aboard the Patrol Vessel Stimson on the following dates for Area J Registration, Bycatch Overage; on February 18, 2025 for 6.76% over the legal bycatch allowance for Opilio Tanner Crab; on February 23, 2025 for 7.97% over the legal allowance of Bairdi Tanner Crab; and on March 3, 2025 for 4.91% over the legal allowance of Opilio Tanner Crab in Dutch Harbor.  Arraignment is scheduled in Unalaska District Court on April 24, 2025.


    Posted on 3/24/2025 8:51:32 AM by DPS\sdcubbedge1

AK Bureau of Investigation ...No news reported.

AK Bureau of Highway Patrol ...No news reported.

AK Bureau of Judicial Services

  • AK25026939

    Location: Anchorage
    Type: Medical Assist

    Dispatch Text:

    on 3-24-25 at about 0910 hours, JS control was called to a medical situation in courtroom B1 in the Nesbett courthouse. Troopers and Court Service Officer responded to find a male in full seizure in the gallery of the courtroom. The male was having difficulty breathing and quit breathing. The Trooper and CSO removed him for the seating area and placed him on his side. The individual began to breath on his own but had bitten his tongue. The Trooper and CSO kept his airway clear and protected him from causing further injury to himself. EMS responded and transported the Alaska Regional Hospital.

    Posted on 3/24/2025 10:31:42 AM by DPS\prburkett

AK Div of Fire and Life Safety ...No news reported.